HRS 8/9/06 Wilkes-Barre, PA
This show, from the very beginning, promised to be an incredible experience. Great people, small crowd, killer band and a very kind house in which to play
The venue was the River Street Jazz Cafe in Wilkes-Barre PA. The venue is located in strip mall just off of the highway and you would never think such a nice place would be in such a strange location. Very big, very open venue with perfect lighting during the show.
The fact that there were only about 50 people there did not diminish the energy the guys put into the music this night. From the "get-go" the music was tight and full of direction. Much less loose than the previous show. The funniest part was that a setlist was on the stage. Not one song on it was played the way it was written! Typical BLR at his finest!
The first set lasted a little over an hour, and the guys took about a 20 minute setbreak.
Second set started a little after midnight, and the guys were all smiles:

They just totally ripped the roof off the cafe. BLR has started to call Neil Fountin, "Fontain" and the song "Lighthouse" became a tribute to "Fontain" this night with BLR interjecting "Fontain" into several of the verses. He also made up a song, which I'm calling "Fontain". BLR is just a masrter lyrisist and it is stunning how well he can make up songs "on the fly".
Here is some video of "Fontain":
Jimmy was in fine form as usual. Just tearing into the music with the Fender, and really feeling the groove. Check out this video of one of his solo's:
Jeff Sipe was really into in on this fine night. He really is like a tasmainian devil on the drum kit. I have no idea how he is able to maintain such a rock solid rhythm, and then kick over into jazzy pace in a matter of half a second. He is, as is every person in the band, so obviously a guy who is in touch with his musical soul.
Neil "Fontain" Fountain was completely and totally playing wide open. His solo's are the bass equivilent of Jimmy's giutar solos. He is such a great player, and so far ahead of the time and he is playing in that this band is perfect for him. More Fontain Please!!
More HRS for that matter please!! After this night I hope the guys can see to playing together at least a few shows a year and keep this magic alive!! When this band is on, they put on a better show that almost any other band I go to see, and it gets better with each show.
The venue was the River Street Jazz Cafe in Wilkes-Barre PA. The venue is located in strip mall just off of the highway and you would never think such a nice place would be in such a strange location. Very big, very open venue with perfect lighting during the show.
The fact that there were only about 50 people there did not diminish the energy the guys put into the music this night. From the "get-go" the music was tight and full of direction. Much less loose than the previous show. The funniest part was that a setlist was on the stage. Not one song on it was played the way it was written! Typical BLR at his finest!
The first set lasted a little over an hour, and the guys took about a 20 minute setbreak.
Second set started a little after midnight, and the guys were all smiles:

They just totally ripped the roof off the cafe. BLR has started to call Neil Fountin, "Fontain" and the song "Lighthouse" became a tribute to "Fontain" this night with BLR interjecting "Fontain" into several of the verses. He also made up a song, which I'm calling "Fontain". BLR is just a masrter lyrisist and it is stunning how well he can make up songs "on the fly".
Here is some video of "Fontain":
Jimmy was in fine form as usual. Just tearing into the music with the Fender, and really feeling the groove. Check out this video of one of his solo's:
Jeff Sipe was really into in on this fine night. He really is like a tasmainian devil on the drum kit. I have no idea how he is able to maintain such a rock solid rhythm, and then kick over into jazzy pace in a matter of half a second. He is, as is every person in the band, so obviously a guy who is in touch with his musical soul.
Neil "Fontain" Fountain was completely and totally playing wide open. His solo's are the bass equivilent of Jimmy's giutar solos. He is such a great player, and so far ahead of the time and he is playing in that this band is perfect for him. More Fontain Please!!
More HRS for that matter please!! After this night I hope the guys can see to playing together at least a few shows a year and keep this magic alive!! When this band is on, they put on a better show that almost any other band I go to see, and it gets better with each show.
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